Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec. 21st, '62

Today rode over
to the 51st Ohio, & saw Sam. Worthing-
ton; his father re-signed last Sept.,
at Bowling Green,
Ky. Ordered to have 3-
day's rations cooked & in
haversacks, & be ready to
march at a moments notice.

Dec. 20th, '62

Fair & warm.
Brigade drill this
P.M. Quite a com-
motion caused by
heavy cannonading
in front, about 7 P.M.;
regt. ordered into
line of battle, but
soon sent to quarters.
Said to be a salute in
honor Gen'l Smith's
marriage; afterward
heard that it was
the enemy firing on
[General Horatio Phillips] Van Cleves pickets, --
& still again, that it
was one of our for-
aging expeditions
defending themselves
from an attack of reb-
el cavalry.

Dec. 19th, '62

Weather fair & warm.
Knee better. Brigade
drill this P.M.

Dec. 18th '62

Clear but cold.
Our reg't, with a
number of others,
started at about 7
A.M. up the R.R. on
a foraging expedi-
Knee very little bet-
The reg't went about
11 ms. toward Lebanon,
& returned about 8 P.M.
with full wagons.

Dec. 17th, '62

Clear with a cold
Brigade drill
at 1 P.M.
My knee not
so much swollen
but still painful.
Ordered to be ready
to march at 1/4 before
7 A.M. to-morrow
morning, with three
days rations in havre-

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dec. 16th, '62

Quite cool this
morning, with
scattering clouds.
Nothing unusual
occurred to-day.
My knee no better.

Dec. 15th, '62

Called into line
of battle at 5 A.
M. this morning,
& stood until day-
Sprinkled rain,
occasionally, last
night, as also
this morning.
Commenced raining
violently about M. &
has rained constant-
ly since; & very wet
& disagreeable night
for soldiers.
My tent leaks.
Rain ceased about
9 1/2 P.M.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dec. 14th, '62

Quite pleasant this
My knee no better;
Owing to my lame-
ness, I was detail-
ed to take charge
of the Camp in
the absence of the
The reg't., with
others, as an es-
cort for a for-
age train, marched
across to the N. &
Lebanon pike, & out
We about 6 miles, &
returned about 5
P.M. with the wagons
well loaded.
Appearance of
rain this evening.

Dec. 13th, '62

Clear & quite warm
My knee more
painful than it
was yesterday.
Ordered to be ready
to-march at 7 A.M.

Dec. 12th, '62

Clear & warm to
day. Nothing un-
usual occurred to-
day. Have had a
standing order for
3 or 4 days, to have,
constantly, three days
rations in haversacks.
My right knee very
much swollen & quite
painful from the ef-
fects of a fall while
I had my company
out as skirmishers
in the affair of yes-