Friday, April 23, 2010

April 25th, '63

Returned to camp a-
bout 9 A.M., when we
all started to Alex-
andria; which place,
we reached about
12 M., & encamped.
Today we destroyed
the machinery of a
flouring mill, & also,
a carding machine.

April 24th, '63

Remained in Camp
to-day; about 3 P.M. our
reg't went on picket
two miles East of town.

April 23d, '63

Started at 3 o'clock
this morning, at about
9 A.M. came upon the
pike, & started in the
direction of Liberty, which
place we reached a-
bout 2 1/2 P.M. a flour-
ing mill, much used
by the rebels, was burn-
ed this afternoon. en-
camped about 1 mile
West of town.

April 22nd, '63

Started early this
morning, & marched
all day through a
well wooded -- for this
country, - & sparsely pop-
ulated country.

April 21st, '63

Started before sun-
rise this morning.
Passed through Wood-
bury about noon; a-
bout 3 P.M. we halted
to rest & await orders; &
having marched about
25 ms. Rested over an
hour when we started
again, turning to the left
off the pike on a dirt
road, & marching a-
bout 5 ms. we encamp-
ed for the night.
Our mounted infant-
ry & cavalry, in advance,
entered McMinnville to-
day, capturing over 100
of John Morgan's men
& burned two R.R. bridges
& a cotton factory.

April 20th, '63

We were yesterday or-
dered to have three
day's cooked rations
in haversacks, & three to
put in wagons, to be
ready to march when-
ever called upon.
Started this morn-
ing at 8 1/2 O'Clock, and
marched out the Mc
Minnville pike to Crip-
ple Creek, where a bri-
gade of our army is
encamped, guarding
a very high hill, used
as a post of observation
by our signal corps, &
which gives a view of
the Country for more
than 20 ms. from Mur-
freesboro, & which can
be seen from the Court
House in the that town; here
we halted & ate our din-
ners. This afternoon we
marched to a little
town, the name of which
is said to be spelled Rea-
dyville, & pronounced Res-
dyville, where another
brigade, performing like
duty with the one before
mentioned is stationed

"A strong Federal expedition patrolled from Murfreesboro to McMinnville, Tenn., April 20-30." Long, Civil War Day by Day.