Friday, April 23, 2010

April 21st, '63

Started before sun-
rise this morning.
Passed through Wood-
bury about noon; a-
bout 3 P.M. we halted
to rest & await orders; &
having marched about
25 ms. Rested over an
hour when we started
again, turning to the left
off the pike on a dirt
road, & marching a-
bout 5 ms. we encamp-
ed for the night.
Our mounted infant-
ry & cavalry, in advance,
entered McMinnville to-
day, capturing over 100
of John Morgan's men
& burned two R.R. bridges
& a cotton factory.

1 comment:

  1. I found a daguerreotype of a captain William Hunter on eBay. It would be very coincidental that this was the same person:
