Saturday, May 1, 2010

April 28th, '63

Up at 3 1/2 A.M.
Rained some during
the night, & very slight-
ly this morning.

Hunter does not write again until July 14

April 27th, '63

Up every morning since
out at 3 o'clock.
At 2 P.M. we started
back toward Liberty, &
encamped within 2 1/2
miles of that place &
1 1/2 miles our former
A number of refugees
are with us on their
way north. the peo-
ple all along our line
of march say they are
in a very destitute, & some
in almost a starving
A shoemaker in Al-
exandria told me, -
showing a pair of shoes,
just such as are issued
by our Government for
$1.48, -- that he had
been offered $25 for
his shoes, & had re-fused it.
Most of Stokes'
cavalry was recruit-
ed in this part of
the Country.

William B. Stokes, Colonel of the 5th Tennessee Cavalry, U.S.A.

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th, '63

Remained in camp
to-day. Heard Rev.
McFarland preach
in the Campbellite